Couda and Kito had to adjust to their new life quite a lot. Food wise we have to adjust their diet. Michel allowed only 1 kg of dog food in the luggage to bring to Uganda, which is almost finished now. Heleen tried to adjust them to the food her dog in Zambia just to get: Nshima (maize porridge) with dried fish, but Kito refused. A -not so quick- search on the internet indicated that this is also the wrong food. So we have changed to bones with some meat and raw vegetables and sometimes leftovers from us. Couda already loves vegetables and but even ate the Nshima. To get Kito adjust to the vegetables some dried fish/sauce is added. He approves the new diet and finishes his bowl. We also will buy some organs meat, but also Michel has to get used to meat in the fridge and freezer. Bones with some meat we can buy for just over 1 euro per kg, probably the vegetables are more expensive! The dogs have adapted well and are chewing away their meat/bones in the garden every day.
Couda and Kito are suppose to guard the house, they still have to get used. They primarily bark at children and noisy chickens around the gate. Knocking on the metal fence or hooting from a car at the entrance is not recognised as a doorbell yet. But non accompanied visitors in the garden get shocked about how vicious small dogs can be. All Ugandans think our dogs are puppies, so on the street this is their name. The neighbourhood is getting used to our walks with the dogs. Every Sunday we take the dogs down to market day, which attracts a lot of attention and requests to buy the dogs.
The flight was quite stressful for the dogs, but they have seemed to forgotten this. Their next shock will be a third dog in the family. A English couple (really Zimbabwean) is returning to the UK. We have bought their car. They are looking for a good home for the 10 year old fox terrier. I know how difficult it is to leave your dog behind. So we have agreed to take the dog and do a trial run. Today we will receive the car and the dog. I hope the dogs get along!

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