Friday morning the 4rd of June (3 days left to finish the packing).
Heleen left for work and Michel has a two-page list of unfinished business.
New renters of the house decided not to take the furniture, i.e. all needs to be packed in the container. Transport of container is not arranged. Dogs still need physical exams and some formal paperwork.
With the help of family and friends we managed to fill up the container, emptied the house and get all unfinished business sorted.
Many thanks to all for:
- packing numerous boxes with all kind of stuff and fitting it tightly in the container
- carrying extreme heavy walnut furniture into a horse trailer
- painting pipes that were hidden unpainted behind cupboards with only the use of one arm
- doing repairs to the house with a shrinking tool-set
- taking a complete home cinema centre plus TV apart and not getting frustrated when we discovered that it did not fit into the container
- cleaning places in the house that did not see daylight for many years
- many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many other things...
The container was fully packed and lifted on schedule on Monday afternoon.
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