First some pictures of the renovation. Construction work is going own as we speak. The walls inside and out have been plastered. The carpenter is putting the first window frame in place. The terraces in the back garden are now being constructed.
But “construction” is also going on at the pizzeria. The easy-to-manage pizzeria needed more changes than we expected. We are both perfectionist… Two members of staff have been replaced. The change of the barman/cashier had the most impact. Michel resorted to a night life as a barman. Going to bed at 2.00 eating pizza every day. It looked like a student life, but he just celebrated his 40th! birthday. After a month finally the new barman manages on his own. So Michel has to get up early in the morning again! Heleen is trying to control the orders and the money flow. Introducing order books (can you do without?) and whole flow of money and goods is traceable and automated. Also purchasing is getting done in bulk to reduce costs and time. More improvement projects are planned, training staff in customer care, improving workflow in the kitchen and promotion of the pizzeria (we now have a website, are at facebook and leaflets of the menu are being spread in Fort Portal). The only item which does not need any work is the quality of the pizza’s. These has been excellent from start. Our learning curve in Ugandan business, running a restaurant and bar is steep. We are all geared up for the Dutchess restaurant!
In our spare moments (WHEN?) we make cheese, yoghurt we even made mozzarella for the pizzeria for 2 weeks, because the supplier was longer on holiday that expected. When we make 20 liters yoghurt , it is sold out within days without advertising. The same applies to fresh cheese (something between feta and mozzarella), and cream cheese (boursin). We already have a regular set of clients (lodges and individuals) interested and what is left over is sold to clients of the pizzeria.
Why boring? Not to me!